Unix Guru Universe
- For Unix System Administrators to find their answers quickly.
- This file is all about the denizens of #unix.
#unix [official]
- full of UNIX pointers, tips, links, and other general information.
- 4.4 BSD for Acorn RISC Paltforms
Hot Topic: Unix 25th Anniversary
- resources necessary for any Unix/Linux administrator or ISP hopeful.
Tony's Unix Administrators Page
- slanted toward Solaris.
UK UNIX User Group
UNIX Industry Home Page
Unix is a Four Letter Word
- friendly guide to Unix and Vi.
UNIX man pages
UNIX Reference Desk
Unix Resources
Unix Software
UNIXhelp 1.3 for users
- Mirror site of UNIXhelp for users, version 1.3.
UNIXhelp for users
UNIXhelp for Users
- version 1.2 from Georgia (US)
UNIXhelp for Users (US mirror site)
- Helpful information for users of the UNIX operating system.
Vendor Software & Support Sites
- Shareware, mainframe, & network support info
- not-for-profit, vendor-independent, international consortium which is dedicated to the advancement of open systems throughout the world