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AppleTalk Packages
ARNS (A Remote Network Server) - providing the ability to connect remote clients to AppleTalk services by creating tunnels over the Internet. Uses either UNIX or MacOS servers.
Lockergnome - free e-mail newsletter for Windows 95/NT or Mac OS users, with information about software, web sites, themes, fonts, updates and patches, tips and tricks, news and more.
Mac OS 8 (5)
Macintosh Extensions Guide
MacMinix - All about the Macintosh version of MINIX. MacMinix is now free. MINIX is a Unix clone complete with source code.
MacWindows - one-stop site for info about Macintosh-Windows integration solutions includes networking, emulators, file translation, etc.
Matt's Macintosh Development Page - a fairly large set of links to get in touch with the Macintosh community.
Radio Free Mac - a weekly web radio program about the products and people who make up the fanatical world of Apple Macintosh computers.
Use of Thai language on MacOS - instructions for setting up Thai language software, working with Netscape and Euroda, and installing Thai fonts.
Year 2000, Not a Problem for Macintosh