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A Coding Convention for C++ Code
Ask the C++ Pro - a free service of inquiry.com providing technical advice from a C++ expert.
Ask the MFC Pro - a free service of inquiry.com providing technical advice on Visual C++ and the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC).
Bench++: Benchmark for C++ compilers - Information about the "official" benchmark suite for C++ compilers.
C++ Forum
C++ Tutorial - a C++ tutorial for beginners with syntax-hilighted code examples, reviews, and a programmer's glossary.
C++ Tutorial Textbook
CC++ Programming Language - CC++ is a parallel programming language based on the C++ programming language.
Cocoon - This utility generates slick-looking, copiously hotlinked documentation web pages from C++ header files.
Connective C++ - programming language that facilitates component-based software development. Visit this site for documentation, examples, and compiler downloads.
Directory of PC C/C++ Tool Producers
Documents/Sources for C++ and OOP
ISO/ANSI C++ Draft
Jon's C++ Resources Directory
MFC Professional - for MFC / VC++ programmers: MFC-L archives, KB tips, jobs, and more.
Pacific Galaxy Developers Club - encourages and offers assistance to novices or beginners who are picking up C or C++ programming. Membership is free.
pC++/Sage++ Information Home Page - pC++ is a portable parallel C++ for high performance computers. pC++ is a language extention to C++ that permits data-parallel style opertations.
Pinky and The Brain Learn C++ - a tutorial on C++ taught by the Warner Bros. characters.
Web Directory: C++ Internet Hot Lists